Friday, March 13, 2015

Storyboards and Animatics Part 1

It definately takes a detailed Storyboard and well timed Animatics to make a good animated (or live action) video! Who knew that doing both would be such a fun (and time consuming) experience!

I took a Storyboard class Spring 2014 with Michael Swanigan as my professor. He is a Storyboard genius who has worked on so many movies/TV shows, that IMDB has trouble keeping up with him.

From his class I will show you one of my best storyboards!

The midterm: "'Dreamworks' has asked you (well me) to make a storyboard of the Humpty Dumpty story for them. Rules: Do not go outside of the original Humpty Dumpty story and and keep it appropriate for children.".

Sounds easy at first, but when you have over twenty students in your class, it's having your art stand out that's the hard part.

The first part of my assignment was to design a Front, Back, and Side design of:

Humpty Dumpty:

 3 of the King's Horses:

3 of the King's Men (or in this case kids):

And a Line Up of all of them:

 Side Note: I took this class before I  had Character Design, hence why these pictures don't have that boarder around the characters like my previous posts do.

Our second part of our assignment was to make the storyboard using all said characters. Since the scenario was that I was making a storyboard for "Dreamworks", I knew that kids would be the higher demographic for the film. Because of this, I had to find a way to do three things to make this storyboard look great in the eyes of a studio:

1. Make Humpty Dumpty and all the King's Kids likable characters.

2. Make Humpty Dumpty's fall not his fault.

3. Do the storyboard correctly (of course).

The Results:

The red marks are corrections made by Swanigan.

My grade for this assignment was a B. How do you think I did? Comments and critiques are welcome!

More Storyboards on the way, and animatics will soon follow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My 2D Animations!

Hello everyone! Sorry it has taken me so long to update; school takes up a lot of my time and I often struggle with deciding what is worthy of being posted on here and what could use more work.

I have decided that I would just show what I have (either great or not so great) and make the time to make the "not so great" projects better. Also I have thought about making a Deviant Art and a Facebook account so that I can spread my creations out to more than one website. I'll be sure to provide links when I get to that point.

Now for the real reason why I'm making a post: My 2D Animations!

I have worked on both of these animations for the last two quarters, and it makes me proud to show the public what I'm capable of!

Here we have "See Teddy Run", an assignment from my 2D Animation class that I had Fall 2014. The goal was to make an animation at least 7 seconds long about one of the following:

1. Someone walking their pet.
2. Someone feeding their pet.
3. Someone receiving and opening a gift.
Here's what I chose:

I'll admit, this animation can (and will) use some more frames. I love my animations to be as fluid as possible like this animation that I worked on in my Animation Principles class in Summer 2014, "Kiss the Boy":

When I finally made an animation of my own original characters for the first time, that's when I knew that I wanted to make a living out of this. And I can't wait to do more in the future.

~Keep Going~