Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Character Design Project 1: Simple Female and Male Character

If I met you at CTN Animation Expo, then chances are you had a look at my Character Design Portfolio. If not, then I would like to introduce to you my first projects from my Character Design class: The Simple Female and Male Character!

Simple Female Character: A hard worker who deals with the finances of the company (which can sometimes stress her out a bit). In her spare time, she works out to stay in shape, for a healthy body means a healthy lifestyle. She always dresses to impress, regardless of the occasion.

Simple Male Character: The recruiter with the perfect pitch! He makes sure that only the ones who are willing to work hard are hired to help the business grow. You are either with him or in his way, and you do not want to get in his way (seriously, he's a pretty intimidating guy). He dresses sharp, but only on the job.

Fun Fact: These characters are actually based off of my Mother and Stepfather. They work together in the same business (http://www.arspromise.com/) and they always look good doing it, hence why I put them in business attire. 

Now I do plan on making a few changes to their design. Thanks to the advice of James Lopez, Alejandro Lee, and many other artists that I met last weekend, I have an idea of how I can complement their shapes better, as well as how I can exaggerate their actions more; make their actions express their personalities better. I hope to have their new designs up before Christmas.

There are more drawings to come!

Comments and critiques are greatly appreciated!

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