Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm Back! Thank You For Your Patience!

Finally, FINALLY my Wi-fi is up and running again.

First and foremost I want to thank anyone who has been waiting since Sunday for me to post up my work. I was hoping that I would have the internet running by then but when I got home that night, it still wasn't working. Now a day later, I can start uploading my work. Better late than never right?

I also want to thank each and every one of you who accepted my business card at the CTN Animated Expo, and thank you for your words of wisdom. Never in my years did I think that I would meet such amazing artists! Everyone's advice inspired me to improve, to become a better 2D animator, or a Character Designer. Perhaps even a Storyboard Artist, a Comic Book Artist, an Illustrator! The possibilities are endless! I decided that not only will I show you 2D Animation and Character Design, but anything that I consider to be my best work.

Any comments and critiques are greatly appreciated! It will help me improve, and maybe someday I could work for you or along side you.

So if you have received a card that has this picture-
Then you have come to the right place.

Thank you again, and welcome!

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